Some good news for a change.

I administer the BC Arts Council’s Community Presenters Assistance program. It is a program to fund arts presenters who do a series in communities throughout BC.

Though the program funding was reduced, it was only reduced slightly thanks to the strong support for it within the Arts Council.

I have just sent out all the letters informing applicants of the results. Here is what Crystal Lorette said from the Lester Centre of the Performing Arts in Prince Rupert about her funding:

Thank you so much for this news, you have no idea how much this means for our programming. Things are so economically tough up here right now. It makes me so happy to be able to culturally enhance the lives of the beautiful people that live up here.

I am sending along a great big hug complete with a gigantic smile on my face

She identified ALL the reasons why arts funding is so worthwhile.

Take that Minister Krueger!