What to say

Keep it simple

  • · Identify yourself. If you’re communicating by phone, email, or in person, be sure to identfy yourself clearly: “I am John or Jane Doe, I live in Anytown, BC, and I am a logger/teacher/store clerk/delivering person/etc. I have ### children.”
  • · Tell your story, keep it simple. Whether in person or by mail, it’s best to tell your personal story of why the arts are important to you. Are your kids taking music lessons? Do you participate in a community theatre or music group? Do you attend performances? Do you know artists in your community personally?
  • · Just tell, in your own words , how the arts are touching your life. Did you recently go to an art gallery, did you attend a concert, did you read a book by a BC author? Tell how you were moved and how these experiences impact your life, the lives of your children, your family, your community. Tell your story, keep it simple.
  • · You may remind your elected representative of the strong economic and social arguments for the arts, but it’s safe to assume that they’ve already heard these.
  • Remember that politicians will respond to your personal and heartfelt message. The simpler the better. You are one of the 4.4 million reasons to support the arts.
© 2010 Arts Advocacy BC