Here are a few comments from our new members.

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Stop the Cuts! We don’t want to be a nation of buffoons.

Art is civilization’s oxygen.

BC’s policy—rather non-policy—on the arts is shockingly deficient. In fact it is a policy of attacking our vital culture and the remarkable contributions of the arts community. Congratulations on pushing this forward. We need a strong voice and we need to make this an important issue during the next election.

Art is not a luxury. It is a critical part of our personal and cultural heritage as human beings.

Wonderful initiative!

Artists bring beauty and balance to the world and offer their creativity and knowledge to the Art of Living.

If ever there was a need for advocacy is this province, it is now.

Commit to Arts Funding Now!

I support the voice of all British Columbians, which is kept strong through arts and culture in this province.

Thanks for your great work!

Each and every great culture supports the arts. The arts are our culture and creativity, and innovation is our future. To cut the arts funding at this stage in BC’s history is tragic and very short sighted.

I’m glad to have the opportunity to add my voice to this worthwhile cause.

How arts organizations are treated by the Government truly reflects the soul of the politics of our leaders. In this case, our leaders have failed us.

A healthy society MUST have art!